Our Purpose

The editorial team at StructuredSettlements.com is dedicated to delivering accurate and relevant information to help readers make informed decisions about their finances. We aim to empower consumers by educating them about opportunities to access immediate cash when they are facing financial struggles.

To maintain the highest ethical standards in journalism, we present clear and unbiased information. We rely on reputable and attributed sources to ensure the reliability and transparency of our reporting.

Our Vision

Our vision at StructuredSettlements.com is to provide accurate, relevant and timely information about structured settlements and your financial options. We aim to help you decide whether selling your payments is the right choice for you.

Editorial Autonomy

At StructuredSettlements.com, we maintain editorial independence from external influences, including our partners and affiliate advertisers. Our editorial team of writers, editors and marketing professionals collaborates to propose and create relevant content that aligns with our mission of educating consumers about safe financial decisions. While we may occasionally consider story ideas from external sources, our primary focus is to provide original, valuable and reader-centric content.

Editorial Integrity

The following principles underpin responsible journalism at StructuredSettlements.com:


Our writers, researchers and editors employ facts presented in meaningful context to deliver fair, clear and trustworthy information to the public. Rigorous editorial standards govern our content, including thorough source vetting, verification of quotes and statistics, and meticulous editing for grammar and mechanics.

Our articles cite reputable sources such as authoritative financial publications, academic organizations, peer-reviewed journals, esteemed nonprofit organizations, government reports, court records and interviews with qualified experts.


Our writers present well-researched facts to readers, offering a balanced perspective that outlines both the advantages and disadvantages of various financial scenarios. We aim to provide our readers with candid and unbiased insights into the benefits and drawbacks of various financial products and services, enabling them to make informed decisions based on their individual needs and circumstances.


Our content is structured logically, providing background information and examples to offer meaningful context to the average reader.


StructuredSettlements.com values openness in media and demonstrates it through various means, including:

  • Clear attribution of sources used within the main content of a web page and/or in the source list located at the bottom of each article. StructuredSettlements.com does not attribute information considered common knowledge.
  • Inclusion of links that facilitate easy access to the original sources cited in our content. While we make every effort to maintain functioning links, we regularly update them to account for any changes.
  • Full identification of expert contributors, including their relevant affiliations, experience, and credentials, whenever they are quoted in our content.
  • Display of the most recent update date at the top of each article to provide readers with the latest information available.


At StructuredSettlements.com, we prioritize content of the highest quality. We adhere to a strict process of research, writing, editing and fact-checking, ensuring that all information published on our platform is accurate and clear. We hold ourselves accountable for the content provided on StructuredSettlements.com.

Expert Fact-Check and Review

To ensure accuracy and reliability, our editorial team closely collaborates with independent and highly qualified financial and legal industry experts. They review our articles and other content to verify factual accuracy and provide additional professional insights. Articles reviewed by these experts will include the reviewer’s name at the top and bottom of the web page, along with a link to their full bio for more information on their expertise.

We strive to have our content reviewed in a timely manner.

Use of Direct Quotes

Quotes featured on StructuredSettlements.com are the actual words of the individuals quoted. Sources may provide quotes in written or verbal form, and we indicate when quotes have been provided. This allows readers to distinguish between written statements and verbal communication accurately.

StructuredSettlements.com does not fabricate quotes. In some cases, we may make minor adjustments to spelling, punctuation, capitalization or abbreviations within quotations to ensure consistency and clarity. However, such changes will not substantially alter the meaning intended by the speaker.

Anonymous Sources Policy

To prioritize transparency, StructuredSettlements.com strictly prohibits the use of anonymous sources. All sources must be fully identified with as much detail as possible to establish their credibility, experience and relevance to the content.

We value clarity and transparency in our reporting and do not go “off the record” or “on background” with sources, as these terms can be easily misunderstood and misinterpreted.


StructuredSettlements.com has a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism. We do not claim the work of others as our own. We respect copyright laws and may use limited sections of others’ work to support or elaborate on a topic while providing clear attribution. Our writers strive to limit directly quoted material, instead conducting original reporting and incorporating diverse sources to ensure a balanced and well-rounded perspective.

Our Style

StructuredSettlements.com generally adheres to the style guidelines established by the Associated Press (AP).

AP style defines the rules that cover various aspects commonly used by U.S. newspapers and journalists, including punctuation, capitalization, spelling and hyphenation. It aims to improve readability through standardization.

Source Lists

StructuredSettlements.com employs a modified American Psychological Association (APA) format for source lists, including hyperlinks to original sources whenever possible.

Telephone, email and in-person interviews are not included in the source lists on StructuredSettlements.com.

Use of Photography

StructuredSettlements.com utilizes photographs provided by iStock, a reputable stock photography provider, or original images created by our in-house designers. We may seek permission to use photographs from other sources, and if granted, the source will be identified directly below the image. We do not obtain photos from individuals’ social media accounts or websites without permission.

Linking Policy and Copyright Infringement

All content on StructuredSettlements.com is the property of our company and is protected by copyright laws.

We kindly request that external organizations, individuals, and nonprofits attribute StructuredSettlements.com when referencing our content. To facilitate this, each article on our website includes a button to generate citations in APA, MLA and Chicago formats.

StructuredSettlements.com includes links to credible sources of information that are attributable and valuable to our readers. We do not link to competitor websites or sources that cannot be verified for their veracity.

Reader Engagement

The editorial team at StructuredSettlements.com welcomes your feedback and questions. If we don’t have the answer, we will strive to find it. We understand that comprehending annuities and other personal finance-related topics takes time and effort, and it is our responsibility to assist readers in navigating this complex landscape.


While we aim to maintain high standards of relevance and accuracy, errors and omissions may occur. Our editorial team regularly reviews content to correct any inaccuracies or outdated information promptly. If you identify an error on our website, please contact Senior Editor Savannah Pittle to report the inaccuracy.